[Nikon Rumos] D700x

by 소니짜이즈 posted Jul 17, 2009


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(6월 26)

I have received several tips from stores, Nikon reps, Nikon authorized service centers, etc about the Nikon D700x. Those tips are coming from different parts of the world and the interesting thing is that they all point to a Nikon D700x release in the Fall of 2009:

“I was at *** 2009 show earlier this year in ***, and was asking a staff member on the Nikon stand about the D700 replacement/upgrade. I was told whatever replaces it will be released in October/November 2009, but they would say no more than that.”

“My D300 is in for service at Nikon (bad aperture control module) and I asked the tech when a new dslr was being released and which one. He responded with the D700x this fall. A 24mp replacement for the D700.”

Nikon D700x NR probability rating: 40%

I believe there will be a D700 update this year, but I don’t think it will be a D3x sensor in a D700 body (would you buy one of those for $6000)? I think we will see more of the D300s type of update for the D700.

I will continue to be “fair and balanced” and report that Thom Hogan has received some information that the Nikon D700x will be released before November 2009. The D700x is expected to have the 24MP sensor from the D3x and video.

I also received multiple tips on the Nikon D700x camera that I sumarized in this post a while ago and it seems that the time frame matches Thom’s prediction on the D700x release date.

Nikon D700x NR probability rating: 60% (up from 40% in the last post)

니콘 D700후속 바디에 대한 내용입니다. 위의 내용대로라면 D700x에 장착될 센서가 니콘 플래그쉽 D3x의 센서가 사용될 예정이네요. D700x에 대한 정보 정확도도 한달이 채 안된사이에 20%정도 올랐네요. 캐논의 5DMK2는 FF중형보급기 이지만 1DsMK3와 같은 센서를 채용하지 않았는데 니콘은 그냥 막 질러주는군요.

(개인적으로 24MP는 메모리와 하드 용량 잡아먹고 사이즈 부담스럽고 16MP정도가 좋던데요. 한동안 1DMK4에 대한 자세한 스펙까지 tester를 통해서 정보가 흘러나왔었는데 최근 거의 한달간 조용하네요. 이번기회에 D700x 나오니까 캐논에서 16MP FF센서 장착해서 1DMK4 3999.99에 풀어줬으면 하는 기대를 ^^;;)

Who's 소니짜이즈
