Goat Farm Open Studios (Mar. 11~12)

by Happyfish posted Mar 11, 2016


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

혹시 관심있으신 분 있으실까봐.. 오픈 스튜디오가 자주 있는 행사는 아니여서 정보 나눕니다. 

내일은 기초반 수업이 있어, 전 오늘 퇴근하고 살짝 한 두시간 들려보려고 해요.


Goat Farm Open Studios and Spring Sale

Have you ever wanted to see what's behind all of those studio doors at The Goat Farm? Are you searching for unique, locally made gifts? Well here's your chance.

50+ Goat Farm resident makers, artists, engineers and more band together for two days- opening their offices, studios, workshops, and secret laboratories to the public.

Work below by The Creatives Project (TCP) residents, a program at GF that gives free studio space to growing artists.

Friday March 11 // 4-8pm

Saturday March 12 // 12-6pm

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