2024.08.20 15:59
Sony a7m4 firmware update
조회 수 64 추천 수 0 댓글 1
7/30일자로 펌웨워가 나와있네요
변화는 아래와 같습니다
The following benefits and improvements are also included in this update.
- Fixes an issue where the camera may not be able to connect to the network
- Improves the operational stability of the camera
- Adds support for Network Streaming function
Notes:- Creators' App Ver. 2.3.1 or later is necessary. Settings must be made in the Creators' App in advance. For more information, please visit the Creators' App support website.
- Creators' App may not be available in some countries or regions. Please refer to the support page.
- Allows you to upload camera images directly to the Creators' Cloud app
Notes:- Creators' App Ver. 2.3.1 or later is necessary. Settings must be made in the Creators' App in advance. For more information, please visit the Creators' App support website.
- This service may not be available in some countries or regions. Please refer to the support page.
- Enables display of the Wi-Fi signal strength
- The maximum number of images that can be recorded in one folder has been increased to 9,999
- Adds support for C2PA format.(The license availability date is undecided)
- Adds support for Custom Grid Line
Note: Custom Grid Line is available as a paid license. Availability varies depends on country and region. - Fixes an issue where the time code wasn't always retained after a power restart
- Fixes an issue where certain custom key operations could cause a restart
- Improves the exposure stability when using extended ISO during movie recordings
- Improves the operational stability of the camera
- Fixes a Creators' App issue where the Auto Time Correction and Auto Area Adjustmentfeatures turn off
- Adds support for the Creators' App
Note: The new Creators' App mobile application is available to replace the Imaging Edge Mobile app. The Creators' App allows you to transfer images from the camera to your smartphone, shoot remotely, and use various functions. - Adds functions that improve security when connecting for remote shooting and image transferring with Creators' App and Imaging Edge Desktop software
Note: Please update the Imaging Edge Desktop software to the latest version (Ver.3.6 or later) - Improves the shutter reliability
- Fixes an issue where the movie file rotated by the camera may not be rotated when displayed on a computer
- Allows you to select M and S sizes in addition to L when using the RAW recording lossless compression method
- The shutter speed and ISO sensitivity settings dedicated to flash photography can be retained
- Adds the Touch Shutter function
- The camera's serial number can be recorded in the metadata in the movie files
Note: Where the Write Serial Number option was set to On before the update, the Write Serial Number (still image/movie) will be set to Off after the update. - Improves operability of Wi-Fi connections
- Adds a 1 minute setting to the Power Save by Monitor menu
- Fixes an issue where the viewfinder display may not be brightened according to the ambient brightness
- Improves the accuracy of the Eye AF feature
- Fixes an issue where you may not be able to take photos when using a SEL2860 lens
Who's 은댕
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Sony a7m4 firmware update
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YouTube link insert
오랜만에 인사드립니다. Website가 바뀌고나서 유튜브 비디오를 사진과 함께 어떻게 글에 올리는지 궁금합니다. 감사합니다. -
29Jan 202113:59
제가 자주쓰는 기능이 많이 개선되었네요. 감사감사.